
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Review: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn Narrated by Mark Deakins, Rebecca Lowman, and Cassandra Cambell


I would argue this book is better than Gine Girl. The storyline and characters are more interesting and I didn't find myself hating everyone in the book. 

This story follows Libby Day, the lone survivor of her family's murders excluding her brother who was sent to prison for said murders. Libby has lived her whole life off the money sent to her after the murders and has believed wholeheartedly that her brother is guilty. It's not until she's faced with a dwindling bank account that she accepts an offer to meet with true crime fanatics groups obsessed with her family's murder. The group begins to make her question whether her brother really did kill everyone. She begins returning to her past to find out the truth of what happened. 

The book features sections in the present in which the reader goes with Libby as she tries to find the truth and sections from the day her family was killed by her brother, Ben, and her mother, Patty. Slowly, the reader pieces together what really happened that night. The storyline is fascinating. The narrators do an excellent job of giving voice to the characters. I found myself rooting for Ben, losing hope in Ben, and so on. I was not expecting the ending at all which is something I love in this type of book. 

If you like a good crime novel, I highly recommend checking this one out. I also recommend the audiobook if that's something you like. As far as content warnings go, I would say beware of gore, death, murder, child abuse, mentions of sexual assault, and more. As always, I turn my readers to StoryGraph for a full list of possible content warnings as provided by other readers. 

As always happy reading, and I'll see you all in 2023. 

Review: Sacrificial Animals by Kailee Pederson

  Sacrificial Animals tells the story of a man who grew up on a farm, Stag's Crossing, with his father and brother. His father was a st...