This story follows an elven prince, Taegan, who is arranged to marry an orc prince, Zorvut. Taegan is apprehensive about this because he's been raised to believe he'd fight orcs one day, but now he's marrying one in order to establish peace between their species. Another issue is that Taegan has a lover who is very upset about this arrangement and unwilling to listen to Taegan and step back.
Taegan and Zorvut get married and begin their life together. There's a lot of awkwardness at first and miscommunication. However, the two begin to grow closer to one another. They begin to engage in intimate relations (spice level I would say is moderate to high). They bond increasingly and realize that they are different from what they expected.
Of course, as they are falling for each other, issues come up that threaten to pull them apart.
I really enjoyed this book. I liked the fantasy elements in it. I really loved the sweetness of the relationship between the two as they grow closer (that's not a spoiler, this is a romance, that's what happens in romances). I feel like it's a very sweet, cozy romance. Although the ending does get a bit more intense.
For content warnings, I would say sexual content, violence, discrimination based on fantasy species, and more. Be sure to check out StoryGraph for a full list of possible content warnings as provided by other readers. This book is available as of writing this on Kindle Unlimited as well as the other books in the series.
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As always, happy reading, and I will see y'all soon as I catch up on my backlog of book reviews.
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