
Monday, May 23, 2022

How I Find Lesser Known Books

 In the time of technology and social media, books can spread like wildfire. Most people have heard of James Patterson, J.K. Rowling, Sarah J. Maas, Colleen Hoover, Brandon Sanderson, etc. Some of these authors were even popular before social media was as it is today. Social media can be really beneficial when used correctly and can significantly increase the sale of books. 

However, some books can be swept under the rug as more popular books spread across the internet. Some readers don't like reading books that everyone is talking about. So how do we find lesser-known books in the 2020s? 

Personally, I recommend going to bookstores or libraries. Looking through the shelves helps me find books that I never would have known about. I pick up books with pretty covers and read the descriptions. Unfortunately, I often gravitate toward books I see on Tiktok or Instagram. This can be frustrating because I feel like I'm missing out on books I would really like. 

When I was a kid, I would go to the library and pick stacks of books to read over summer break. I never knew if the books were popular, I just knew they were interesting to me. Sometimes I wish I could get back to that, but I love the online book community. 

I also recommend going on Amazon or your preferred ebook seller and looking for free books. I find this shows me books I never would have known about. I download the ones that look interesting to give them a shot. This can also be really helpful to authors if you end up liking the series and purchase more of the books. You can also look at Kindle Unlimited and see if anything piques your interest. 

In the end, it doesn't matter if the book you're reading is a number one bestseller or if you're the only one to have read it. Books are meant to be enjoyed. You should like what you're reading above all else. 

With that said, happy reading! 

P.S.  I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately. I have been in the process of college finals and moving back to Texas. I haven't been able to finish any books. I should be done with one soon though and will update accordingly. Thanks for your support. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Review: Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree


This is a cozy fantasy novel about an orc that opens a coffee shop. It has all the fantasy elements that make fantasy whimsical, but it is low stakes which makes it great for a comfort read. There are orcs, elves, gnomes, ratkins, succubi, and more. 

The story follows Viv an orc and former adventurer. She gives up her life as a mercenary in favor of opening a coffee shop after discovering one owned by gnomes. Coffee isn't well-known by most people so she's not sure how well things will take off. She also has a secret stone that is supposed to bring her fortune which she hopes will help her chances. As she works to open and run her coffee shop, she befriends multiple people along the way. 

I really enjoyed this book and would definitely say it is a comfort read for me. The setting feels like all the exciting parts of fantasy without all the world-building parts that make reading fantasy difficult for some. Again, it's low stakes so there's no worry of horrible things happening or wars. 

It's a pretty quick read with short chapters. The characters are very likable and interesting without digging too deep into their backgrounds. There is some sapphic representation, but it is very small, so I wouldn't say this is a romance book. It's very feel-good and heartfelt. I recommend this for people looking to get into fantasy for the first time. I would also recommend this if you're looking for a good cozy read. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Review: Goblin Market by Diane Zahler


I received this book as an advanced reader copy from NetGalley

This is a middle-grade horror story about two sisters. One sister falls in love with a boy selling fruit at the market and becomes ill, the other makes it her job to figure out what happened to her. There are mysterious boys, goblins, magic fruit, and whispering trees. This book is filled with an atmosphere of eeriness, whimsy, and fairy tale. It reminded me of Grims fairy tales and a folklore story you'd hear from your grandma. 

This is the kind of book I would have really enjoyed when I was in elementary school. It is the perfect amount of scary for a kid without being too much. It also teaches a valuable lesson about the love between sisters and the great feats children can accomplish. 

I also liked the presence of a neurodivergent character. Lizzie can see sounds as colors and has an aversion to both people and touch. It's good to see the representation of children who have different abilities and comfort levels. It makes Lizzie's efforts to save her sister even more impressive as she has to push past her comfort zone. It also made me think of my own relationship with my sister and how far I'd go for her. 

I do not typically read books for children, even as a kid, I avoided them. I was drawn to this book because of the cover and the description. I really enjoyed reading this and wish it would have been available when I was a kid. I think this would have encouraged me to read at a younger age. 

I recommend picking up this book for yourself or for a child in your life. This book doesn't come out until August 16th so it is a while before you'll be able to get it, but you can add it to your child's back to school reading list. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Review: Queen's Shadow by E.K. Johnston


I am a long-time Star Wars fan, my dad had me watch it with him as a little kid. For me, it feels like a big part of my childhood. The new movies were pretty nostalgic for me. 

I have always had an interest in Padme. I think when I was little it was pretty dresses that made me like her so much. When I heard there was a trilogy specifically about Padme, I immediately wanted it. Originally, I wanted to get the hardback covers because they look a lot cooler than the paperback. Unfortunately, the first book is about $40 in hardback. I decided to just get the paperback so I could read it sooner. 

This book is so good. I love how it makes Padme so much more than just a pretty girl in a dress that serves as a way to further the plot of Anakin's downfall and the eventual creation of Luke and Leia. In this book, Padme is ending her term as queen and transitioning into being a Senator. For her, the change is somewhat of a challenge to figure out how to gain respect in her senatorial position. 

It's also cool to see that all the dresses and elaborate hairstyles are more than just style choices. They allow Padme to switch with her handmaidens in times of need. Padme is honestly just a good person. She puts so much effort into making the galaxy a better place for everyone. After her interaction with Anakin, she even tries to free slaves from Tatooine. 

This book is filled with smart women and political intrigue. There's not a ton of action, it's mostly the political issues that Padme faces. That might make it less appealing for some people, but I liked the way it showed just how smart Padme is. 

Overall, the book made me so sad about the future I know comes to be Padme's. She is just such a good person who would have made the galaxy a better place had she been able to live longer. She deserved better than Anakin. 

I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to starting the second one, Queen's Peril, which is about Padme's experience as queen. If you are a Star Wars fan and a Padme fan, I highly recommend checking out this book. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

April Reading Wrap-Up


(Image from my StoryGraph statistics)

To be honest, April wasn't great for me as far as reading goes. I only finished 4 books. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. I finished so many more books last month so I was expecting to at least finish 6. The books I did read were all very good though. 

Shay With Me by Lily Courtade 

This is a book about older lesbians who finally realize they're in love after being friends for many years. I really enjoyed this book as it was very sweet and showed what older people should have in love. I do think a lot happened in this book which was a little much for me, but I still really enjoyed this book. You can find it on Amazon. 

The Dragon's Bride by Katee Robert 

This is one of the books that I was eagerly awaiting publication. It's about a woman who signs a deal with a demon to escape her abusive husband and finds herself married to a dragon-man. This book is sexy and romantic. I absolutely loved it. This book is transitioning to Kindle Unlimited soon, but will still be available to buy as a physical copy. If you like monster romance, I highly recommend it. Katee Robert is a fantastic writer. 

An Unthinkable Thing by Nicole Lundrigan

This is about a young boy who moves in with his mother at her housekeeping job after his aunt is killed. He grows close to the family but finds they are not what they seem. I loved the use of court records and police reports added to the book. It made it so much more interesting and intriguing. I was not prepared for the ending at all. 

My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell 

This book is about a teenage girl who starts a relationship with her teacher while at boarding school. It goes back in forth between 2017, her current day, and the times she was growing up dealing with her relationship. It looks at abuse and dealing with grooming as an adult. It is definitely a difficult read but one that I'm glad I picked up. 

I'm hoping to finish more books this month and am almost done with my first read of the month. 

Review: Sacrificial Animals by Kailee Pederson

  Sacrificial Animals tells the story of a man who grew up on a farm, Stag's Crossing, with his father and brother. His father was a st...